
Self-Assessment Tax Return list

It is important your Self-Assessment Tax Return reports your worldwide income from all sources for each tax year

(regardless of whether the income has already been taxed).

Below is a non-exhaustive list of the income that would need to be reported on your Self-Assessment Tax Return to accurately calculate your tax position:

Income type

Information required

Employment income

P60 (for all employments)

P45 (for employments ceased part-way through the year)

P11D statement of employment benefits (for all employments)

P11D statement of employment benefits (for all employments)

Taxable benefits

Employee loan

Company car

Fuel benefit (if applicable)

Living accommodation paid by employer


Details of income received during the tax year

Details of expenditure incurred during the year

Details of any capital assets acquired during the year (plant and machinery, motor vehicles, furniture. With a useful life of more than 2 years)


Details of your share of profits or losses for the tax year

Property trade

Income received

Breakdown of expenses incurred

Details of mortgage interest payments made for the year

Sale of Capital Assets

The following information would be required for any disposals made during the tax year

Date of acquisition

Acquisition costs

Enhancement costs (property improvement / extension costs)

Date of disposal

Disposal proceeds

Costs of disposal

Dividend income

Details of any dividend income received during the tax year including company name and amount received

Details of any dividend income received but reinvested including company name and amount reinvested

Interest income

Details of total interest income received during the tax year

Foreign income received

Foreign savings interest

Dividends from foreign companies

Income from land and property abroad

Foreign life assurance gains

Other overseas income and gains

Unremitted income

Taxable state benefits received

State Pension

Jobseeker's Allowance

Carer's Allowance

Employment and Support Allowance (contribution based)

Incapacity Benefit

Bereavement Allowance

Pensions paid by the Industrial Death Benefit scheme

Widowed Parent's Allowance

Widow's pension

Any other income received

Any other income not detailed above